Tuesday 9 June 2015

Health | Super Simple Summer Salad: Recipe

These long summer evenings are getting me even more excited about the prospect of travelling around Europe over the next couple of months! Apart from my primary desire to spend hours laying by the pool with a good book, I'm equally as excited to be sampling some of the amazing food on offer (especially when we head for our Tuscan road trip).. pass me the good food and wine, please!

I'm pretty sure it's the heat that makes me want to avoid heavy/big meals in the evenings, but there is also something wonderful about eating something easy to prepare and good for you, and being able to enjoy it in the garden. Hence the emergence of this blog post. Since I started blogging in early May, I've really enjoyed making some seriously yummy food knowing that it's going to be great for my body, tastes good and I get to write about it!

This simple and easy to make Salad is perfect on it's own, or with a little bit of protein on the side too. We enjoyed this alongside some spicy chicken kebabs and a natural yoghurt dip, which went really well. As with any fruit and veg, if you can, do grab the organic or locally sourced produce as it's always nice to know it's come from a great place :) .... and it tastes better too. But I understand this isn't always easy. 

Ingredients (Serves 2)
- 2 handfuls of mixed salad leaves (spinach, lettuce and watercress if you prefer)
- 2 chopped tomatoes
- 40g feta cheese (crumbled)
- 1 handful of pitted green olives
- 2 celery sticks (chopped)
- Small handful of Pumpkin seeds
- Sprinkle of crushed black pepper

The method is pretty standard, so I won't bore you with the details but once mixed together drizzle with a little bit of olive oil. Ready to go!

Let me know if you gave this recipe a go, or if you have any suggestions on what I can add next time. Feel free to tweet me your pics.

Foodie | The Big Easy - Covent Garden

Every so often Lewis and I will head in to central London to do a little exploring. Of course, part of these adventures will always be heading to restaurants we've heard good things about, or read positive reviews about online. A few weeks back we took a trip to Covent Garden to do a bit of shopping and enjoy the May bank holiday together. Normally we'd head for the coast when we have an 'extra' day off, but the city just seemed too good to miss this spring with so much to see and do.

After much deliberation, we thought we'd see what the hype was all about the 'The Big Easy' in Covent Garden. I've read countless reviews of this place, and seen far too many bib-bearing grins on my Instagram feed not to see if it really is as good as it's made out to be.

The Big Easy is a BarBQ and Lobster shack, aimed to create a 'bold americana' feel through both it's food and it's restaurant Decor. It's reminiscent of Cleaver restaurants if you are familiar with those, and really takes the rustic texan shack theme to town. First impressions at Covent Garden were good, with some super friendly waiters seating us during what appeared to be a quiet lunch time.

We didn't get round to sampling the drinks menu, but it looked pretty impressive. The bar itself was reminiscent of a 1920's bar you'd find in NYC, which added to the charming decor of the place. Some may say it's sitting on the fine line between rustic and country western, and I would have to agree. Any more reference to the boldness of the texans and I might of started asking for a cowboy hat to accompany my bib. The bibs add to the 'big eating' menu they're going for. I loved wearing mine as did Mr Smith, even if it was more of a novelty that a necessity. A nice touch, and meant we got the staple big easy pic we secretly wanted.

The food was really good, and perfect for a late lunch/early dinner if that's what you've got planned. It's not too much, but it's enough that you don't leave the place feeling hungry or slightly cheated. Lewis ordered a Burger and I went for the Lobster Platter, with a selection of other seafood including. Despite it being tricky/embarrassing to eat.. it tasted brilliant and meant I got to eat a lot with my hands.. which is always an interesting experience.

Overall we were really pleased we went along to try it out. Would we go again? Maybe, if a branch popped up that was a little more local for us, but only on the odd occasion. At just over £70 for us both, it's not too bad but quite pricey if you consider what you're getting. Thanks for having us!

Have you been before? What did you think?

Saturday 6 June 2015

Fitness | Home Workouts & Physio World Review

I made the decision a little while back to cancel my gym membership. Based mostly on the cost of it, but also on my inability to find the time to go inbetween working a full-time+1 job and modern day life. Prior to starting my current job I managed to squeeze in at least 2 classes a week, but now my work has picked up I'm generally working pretty late, so not knowing when I'll be leaving the office means I can't commit to attending classes or even head down for an individual workout (boo).

Without getting into it too much, I'm surprised fitness bloggers generally don't cover home workouts tht much. Longer working hours aren't a thing of the past, and keeping up a gym membership isn't exactly the most budget friendly way of getting fit for many. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm going to make home workouts a little feature on my blog, to share with you what workouts work well for me, and how I fit them into my busy schedule (and modest living room). I hope you'll find them useful, and that they work well for you whatever your schedule might look like :)

Despite not having all of the regular 'gym' equipment to hand, I'm a huge fan of strength training and using my own body weight to improve my fitness. Working out at home has made a significant difference to my running too. Focusing on my core strength has really helped me to maximise my longer runs, and has helped get rid of some lower back pains that keep appearing after most runs over 8ish miles.

In light of my gym break-up, I purchased a shiny new workout mat to make my workouts easier and more comfortable. I've tried a few exercise mats over the years, and have generally been pleased with them all. After all, they aren't particularly exciting...right? Nonetheless, if I was making a monthly membership saving I wanted to try something a bit more 'up market'.

I picked this up from Physio World on Amazon after scouring the usual sports websites. Thanks to my prime membership it came within a day, and I'm really pleased! Naturally, pink was my first choice and I went for a 10mm depth. You can get an even thicker version if you prefer, but I would highly recommend the 10mm if you're like me and generally don't have many issues with your back. Unlike most exercise mats on the market it's super long, which means I don't have to worry about my hands or feet hanging off the edge too much. I'd definitely recommend giving this mat a try if you're looking for one to get started with your home workouts, or even one of a similar size/depth if you can't get it online.

Youtube is brilliant for quick workouts when I don't have much time. I've been a subscriber of Xhit Daily for a while now, and I honestly can't recommend their workout videos enough for women and men of all fitness levels. Heres the link to the video I was watching when I snapped these pictures for my blog if you wanted to give it a go! See you soon with a home workout blog post!

Sunday 31 May 2015

Travel | European City Break Wish List 2015

I'm pretty sure Mr Smith and I have caught a minor travel bug in the last couple of months. Our browser history pretty much consists of Kuoni, Secret Escapes, BA and Trip Advisor having spent a lot of time searching for city breaks in Europe to enjoy this year. So I thought I'd write a blog post ahead of any of our travels this year showing you where I'd love to go and why. Of course, I'd like to see all the Cities Europe has to offer but 25 days annual leave won't permit that level of wanderlust. I've narrowed it down to my Top 5 for 2015, and hope we can cross these off our list and share our adventures here.

Historically, I've only ever wanted to find a tropical beach somewhere in the Indian Ocean or Caribbean to holiday but this year I'm hoping to make a change. After all, there is only so much of the world you can see on a sun bed... right?

I've gathered a lot of inspiration from Pinterest for this, thanks to the wealth of beautiful pictures and tips from other bloggers/travellers on there. And picked between them all thanks to Time Out and Trip Advisor reviews and publications.. credit where credit is due of course.

City One: Rome, Italy

Credit: Kristina Assenova via http://www.fernwehosophy.com

Who can deny the beauty of Rome?! And surprisingly, neither Lewis or I have been. In fact, I've never been to Italy before! I loved Paris for its architecture and have been led to believe Rome has buildings that will rival them. I want to see everything I can in the time we have there this summer, the Trevi Fountain, St Peters Square, The Colosseum .. this list goes on. And of course try out the Gelato and go searching for those less touristy restaurants to try out food the locals would love too.

City Two: Geneva/Lake Geneva Region, Switzerland

Credit: http://www.myswitzerland.com/en-gb/lake-geneva-region-vaud1.html

This really is the complete opposite of 'holidaying' for me.. especially considering we'd like to explore Switzerland in the Autumn/Winter time. Lewis loves to explore and spend hours in amongst nature when he can, so I think that's what will be on the Agenda here. As well as seeing the infamous lake itself, I think we'll be heading into the mountains for a bit of a trail adventure to see as much as we can of this beautiful place. I can't wait!

City Three: Lisbon, Portugal

The capital of Portugal and one beautiful city. What I love the most about this place is that its both cosmopolitan and coastal, without compromising on the wealth of History there is there. The tram system has been around for years, and whilst they have been updated in many areas, the oldies are still in operation.. how cute! This will be the perfect break for a little bit of sunshine, great food and to enjoy some Portuguese hospitality. Again, a place I've never been before that I can't wait to visit! 

City Four: Vienna, Austria

credit: photographer unknown, source The Telegraph 

Vienna looks stunning, and wins big points on Architecture which I'm a huge fan of. I'd love to visit in December time for a weekend, to catch a glimpse of the famous Christmas Market outside the history museum. St Stephens cathedral is also on my list of places to see as well as a trip to the famous Riesenhard Ferris wheel if we have the time. Maybe a last minute trip amidst the christmas gift shopping to get us in the festive mood!

City Five: Venice, Italy

credit: unknown.. sorry! let me know if you know!

Undoubtedly a fairytale place to visit, in my opinion. If it's good enough for the Clooney wedding, it's good enough for a weekend break for Mr Smith and I. There's something about a city you can explore on a Gondola that makes it even more amazing. Plus the unbeatable Italian food, and unspoilt buildings.. it's ideal for a city break exploring. Hopefully we'll be able to add this to our Italy road trip this year, or maybe make our way back there for a bit of post-summer relaxation. Either way, I can't wait to explore it.

Let me know if you've been to any of the places on my wish list.. I'd love to know what you got up to and where you stayed. If you've had a look at my previous travel post on Honeymooning, you'll know I'm a sucker for a recommendation or two so please feel free to get in touch :)

Home | Simple Blooms: White & Green

Hello lovely blog readers, todays post is going to be something a little different (and rather short) but perfect for those who love and value the scent and look of blooms in your home. For those who aren't too fussed this might inspire you to head down to your local florist or wholesale flower market.

I spent the majority of my time on Bank Holiday Monday studying, but took a break to head to my local flower market to pick up some simple flowers to arrange for my coffee table. Having had quite a few bouquets in the house recently I was looking for something simple, clean and easy to arrange. Alas, I found these three beauties;

  • Hydrangea
  • Thlaspi Green bell
  • Bouvadari Royal White Verde*

I'm a big fan of rustic, messy looking arrangements for the house. Our house is very neutral in decor, and 'straight' if that makes sense. Lewis and I both quite like having a place for everything and keeping it as 'symmetrical' as possible. So having an arrangement with a little less order works perfectly in the house.

I used a normal chopping board I have to trim the stems to the size of the vase I was using and a good pair of scissors (I picked mine up specifically for flower cutting) to give the stems a fresh end. This will help your flowers last longer and tidies everything up at the bottom. Once trimmed, I filled up my vase with water and half a tsp of Sugar. I'm not sure if this is an old wives tale but I think it keeps the flowers looking fresher for longer.

The Hydrangea I picked was pretty large, so this was my starting point. I popped this in as centred as possible and added the Thlaspi and Bouvadari around it so that it looked varied and had plenty of texture and balance. After some preening, it was ready for my coffee table..

*I have a feeling it's a slight variant of this bloom so please let me know if you know for sure what it is! :)

What's your favourite floral arrangement for your home?

Monday 25 May 2015

Foodie | Quick & Easy Brunch Meets Lunch Recipe

After a few weeks on the new 'get the glow' regime, I'm finding I am a whole lot more resourceful when it comes to cooking and finding things on those last few days before the weekly food shop arrives. Fortunately for me, my food shop was packed full of tonnes of veg and protein, so I had plenty left over to play with. This recipe is super easy, incredibly tasty and full of goodness. It could be both a Brunch or Lunch recipe, depending on what you fancy. I've been loving my spiralizer lately, so was super excited to incorporate it in this post.


1 x large free range egg
1 x courgette
1tsp Chia Seeds
1 half of a ripe avocado (chopped)
1tsp Coconut Oil
1 x spring onion
Salt & Pepper

1. Start by spiralizing your Courgette and putting it to one side whilst you prep the rest of your ingredients. Then finely chop your spring onion and add to the same bowl as your courgetti. If you're planning on prepping your lunch over an extended period of time, I'd cover the bowl to avoid the veg drying out.

2. In a frying pan, add the coconut oil and melt over a medium heat. Once melted, turn the heat down and add your courgetti and spring onion and cook for 4-5 minutes or until it's going a little golden. Whilst you're keeping an eye on that...

3. Bring a pan of water to boiling point then crack your egg into a ramekin or cup ready to pour into the boiling water. Using a wooden spoon create a 'whirlpool' motion with the boiling water, then quickly pour the cracked egg into the centre of the whirlpool you've created. Don't worry if it looks a little scruffy, thats totally normal. Leave for 2-3 minutes if you like it runny, or 4-5 if you prefer your yolk harder.

4. Once you're happy with your egg(s) and courgetti, place the courgetti on a plate with the egg on top. Sprinkle with your chia seeds and a little salt and pepper. Add the avocado on the side for some extra good fats!

5. Enjoy!

Let me know if you've given this a go, or if you've tried it with anything else!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Travel | Honeymoon: Booking the Best

It's going to be the biggest, and best holiday you've ever been on for sure. So you want to make sure it's as perfect as possible, right? There are a few things I wish I had known before we booked our honeymoon, and things that we did ourselves that were super helpful too. I really couldn't find much on the internet when we booked our Honeymoon in 2014 about what to look for, so thought I'd share a few tips myself!

Amidst everything else you'll be organising for your big day, booking your Honeymoon is definitely one of the most exciting. Lewis and I spent hours searching online for what destination, hotel, travel provider and airline we wanted to go through before we settled on where we wanted to go. Now, this post is by no means sponsored by any travel provider or airline (just to cover myself) and this is just my opinion, based on my experience of what makes a great honeymoon and honeymoon booking experience. I hope you find it useful!

1. Set A Budget
There's no point getting yourself into heaps of debt for your Honeymoon, it just makes it a worry for when you get back. In your wedding day budget planning, make sure you factor a realistic and sizeable amount for your Honeymoon. Generally speaking the 'average' honeymoon in the UK will cost you between £4,000 - £7,000, which is a pretty hefty cost! You can of course do it cheaper, and if you find a great deal that's even better. There are heaps of travel deal website nows like Secret Escapes and Voyage Prive that really do offer luxury holidays for less.

2. Getting to know the climate
Lewis and I were really keen on staying somewhere warm and sunny for our Honeymoon, as all we really wanted to do was drink Mojito's and lay by the pool all day after the Wedding build-up was over. We had a look online, and asked a few travel agents where would be good to go that would guarantee the weather at that time of year. After all, there's no point heading to Greece for a beach holiday if you're getting married in December, right?!

3. Get asking!
We actually ended up settling on Secrets Maroma Beach in Mexico off the back of a recommendation from good friends of ours who had also stayed there for their Honeymoon. There's absolutely no harm in staying in the same place as your friends for your honeymoon, in fact I'd highly recommend it. We had no concerns over nasty surprises when we arrived or what to expect because we'd heard real reviews, from real people. That's not be discounting the power of Trip Advisor, but it certainly made us all the more excited hearing about it first hand.

4. It's okay to shop around
Yep, sounds pretty simple and probably what you'd do for any holiday, but I mean this in a slightly different way. I'm not going to name and shame, but the first travel agent we walked into to book our trip to Mexico were appalling. Given that it was one of the UK's largest holiday providers, I was in shock. In fact, I left half way through the discussion it was that awful. The travel agent insisted on giving my Husband and I the 'why on earth are you getting married you're so young' talk before we even got in to the details of what we wanted. Needless to say, she wasn't joking and we were both horrified. So, we took our business else where and not surprisingly got a good deal and amazing service from Kuoni who were located next door.

5. Service vs Money
Continuing on from point 4, this was a huge lesson for us. When you're spending that much money on a Honeymoon, I'd argue the service when you book is just as important as the holiday itself. Kuoni were absolutely fantastic with us, and really made us feel like spending the £5k we did for 10 nights in Mexico was important. Yes, we ended up paying a few pennies more for the holiday, but we knew we were guaranteeing excellent service throughout the holiday too. But this is dependant on what you value, and whether you consider cost to be significantly greater importance than service.

6. Getting Organised
With everything else going on, the last thing you want to be worrying about before your big day is whether or not you've checked-in online. Get yourself a good travel organiser and get everything ready to go/printed pretty much as soon as you've booked. This made a huge difference for us, considering we flew out the morning after we got married.

Where did you go on your honeymoon if you've already been?